Where did your imagination go?

It didn’t.

But you trained it into oblivion, you gave it a desk job without even knowing it, as if it were meant to live out its years quietly until retirement. You’ve grounded yourself with it, too.

Every maybe, every worry, every opinion and self-doubt and belief, is a backwards glance to your childhood ventures, when you leapt off couches to see if you could fly.

But perhaps it’s not so far a leap to reclaim your adventure again.


Everything we think that is not factual is imaginary — and surprisingly little is factual. Simple experiential observations, just as “it is raining” are facts, as are statements which logically and semantically prove themselves. However, theories and hearsay and assumptions, as well as your beliefs, your opinions, and your judgments — these are all imaginary.

What this leads to is the realization that your emotions and happiness in life are almost entirely based on our imagination — making our ability to “dreamcraft” our life more obviously within our own power.

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